Privacy Policy

Last update: 30/9/22

We (referred to as “We”, “Us”, or “Our”) are dedicated to protecting your personal information and your privacy.

This Privacy Policy is crafted to notify you about the methods we use to gather and save the data you submit via the Immediate Imovax website (the "site").

We will stand firm on these values: .

  • To provide clarity on how your personal data is gathered and handled:

We aim for you to be able to make educated decisions concerning your personal data's usage and processing. This is why our website exists. To achieve this, we utilize various techniques and practices to offer you pertinent information about personal data usage.

Should we deduce that you need specific details, we'll ensure you receive the information at the correct date and time.

We are pleased to address any queries you might have and will clarify any restrictions dictated by law. You can contact us via email at the following address: info@ Immediate Imovax .com .

  • Personal information will be utilized solely for the objectives outlined in the policy.

We may process your Personal Data for various purposes, including to provide the website to you, connect you with external trading platforms (the 'Services'), improve the site, safeguard our rights and interests, facilitate the maintenance and delivery of the services, comply with legal and regulatory requirements, and perform administrative and business tasks to ensure efficient delivery and use of the services.

We also handle your personal data to gain a clearer understanding of your preferences and needs.

  • Utilize essential resources to safeguard your entitlements concerning personal information.

We provide substantial resources to facilitate the exercise of your rights. Feel free to reach out to request details about your personal data. We will edit or erase it, cease using it for particular or general purposes, or transfer it to you or an external entity. We are ready to fulfill your requests.

  • Protect your private information:.

While we cannot offer absolute security for your personal data, we assure you that we will persist in using a range of strategies and measures to safeguard your personal data.

Our privacy and protection plan is fully comprehensive.

1. The Scope?

This policy outlines the kinds of personal information gathered from individuals by the company, detailing how it is handled, disclosed to third parties, safeguarded, and so forth.

This Policy pertains to data relating to a specific or identifiable individual. An identifiable individual can be described as someone who is directly identifiable or discernible through a combination of other information we possess or can access.

The Policy describes “processing” as any activity that necessitates the use or collection of personal data. This encompasses the handling, organization, and retention of personal data.

Our offerings are meant for a broad audience and are unsuitable for individuals under 18. We do not deliberately collect or request data from anyone below this age. We do not permit their use of our offerings knowingly. Should we become aware of any information about minors, we will promptly delete it.

2. What information do we hold about you?

Should you access our services and platforms, or browse our website, we gather personal information. Sometimes, we may directly ask for your details. In other cases, we collect your data by evaluating your interaction with our services and platforms, or by obtaining your information from our third-party collaborators.

3. There is no obligation to reveal personal details to the company and the ramifications.

However, you are not required to share any personal information with us. In specific situations, though, you may not need to provide any personal data to us. This may prevent us from delivering our services or restrict users from accessing the website.

4. What type of personal information can we collect? Upon visiting our website, we gather the following personal details from you: .

This covers details about your online engagement records, including data on your traffic (such as IP address, access date, access time, and language preferences), software error logs, browser type, and device information used. The collected data is not personal and cannot be utilized to identify you.

Personal Information You provide: Any personal data you willingly submit to Us when you connect with an external online trading platform via Us.

Your detailed personal data submitted to third-party services for transaction purposes: this includes your full name, residence address, contact number, and email information.

5. The legal foundation and rationale for handling personal data.

The company manages your personal information for the purposes outlined in this section, adhering to the relevant legal framework.

Without a legal foundation, the company cannot utilize your personal data. The lawful reasons the company can rely on to handle your personal data are:

  • You have agreed to the processing of your personal data for one or multiple purposes. This occurs when you provide personal details via the website so that we can relay them to a third-party trading platform.
  • The Company or an External Entity Might Need to Process Data to Fulfill Their Legitimate Interest. For example, it is essential to enhance our services or to protect against legal issues.
  • Legal duties demand compliance in processing.

Reach out through email for additional information about the measures needed to protect our lawful interests.

Outlined here are various reasons and legal justifications for utilizing the information you share with us. Personal data.

Legal basis

At your request, we will share your personal details with third parties to facilitate access to online trading.

Should you inquire, we might gather your personal details to share with external organizations.

You have agreed to the management of your personal data for one or several purposes.

To address your inquiries, feedback or issues, it is essential to use personal data to assist you with any questions you may have concerning the services.

The company's rightful interests or those of a third party must be handled.

To fulfill any legal mandate or administrative, judicial, or legal requirements, personal data is processed to comply with the legal necessities.

To adhere to legal responsibilities, processing is necessary.

To Improve Our Offerings Personal Data may be utilized by us to refine Our Offerings. This encompasses, among other aspects, any error or glitch reports that we gather concerning the offerings.

The company's justified interests or those of a third party must be handled.

To Prevent Abuse and Deception in Our Services

The legitimate interests of the company or the interests of a third party need to be processed.

To execute and oversee tasks that align with our service demands, these include administrative operations, market expansion efforts, strategic planning, monitoring frameworks, and more.

The company's valid interests or those of a third party must be addressed.

To make informed decisions on various matters, we utilize diverse analytical methods, including statistical analysis.

The company's lawful interests or those of a third party must be handled.

To Protect Our Assets, Rights and Interests as Well as Those of Third Parties, We Have Crafted HTML0 to Support and Defend Legal Claims. Personal Data May Be Processed by Us to Safeguard Our Rights, Interests and Assets, or Those of a Third Parties, in Accordance with Any Relevant Laws, Regulations or Agreements and Any Conditions, Terms or Policies.

The legitimate interests of the company or the interests of a third party need to be processed.

6. Transfer of Personal Data to Third Party

The company can also provide personal data with third-party companies who offer services to us like hosting and storage providers IP address information, as well as analysis of user experiences.

You may also request that we disclose specific personal information about you to third-party trading platforms. In such cases, we will share the personal data you provide us with these trading platforms. Their privacy policies will govern the use of your personal information. Your personal data may be disclosed to several trading platforms.

The Company might share personal data with affiliates or business associates, granting it access to resources essential for enhancing and refining the products and services offered to customers.

Should it become necessary to protect the interests of third parties or property, The Company is authorized to share personal information with regulatory bodies, local governments, or other official entities.

We might also disclose your personal information to prospective investors or purchasers, or to creditors of our company or any affiliated companies, should such a transaction occur (including the transfer or sale of assets owned by our company or any other company within the group) or as part of any merger, restructuring, consolidation, or insolvency proceedings involving our company or any other business within the group.

7. Third-party cookies and offerings.

External providers, like those who deliver adverts on our site or analytical firms may be employed. These firms might also use cookies or various technologies.

Cookies are small text files stored on your device whenever you visit a website. These cookies collect details about your preferences and browsing behavior to enhance your experience, track your choices, and tailor products and services to your liking. Additionally, cookies are used for gathering statistical data and conducting analytics.

Certain types of cookies we can employ are session cookies. These are temporarily downloaded to your device and will last for a short duration until your browser is closed. In contrast, other cookies are persistent. Persistent cookies stay on your device for a period after you close your browser. They help the website recognize you upon return and allow users to revisit the site easily.

Types of cookies:

They might be utilized by us according to their intent: .

The type of cookie

Biscuits are utterly indispensable.


These cookies are essential for accessing the features you’ve requested and for navigating our site. Cookies facilitate the delivery of the information, products, and services you have sought from us.

They are essential for your device to download and stream content. This allows you to browse the site, use its functionalities, and revisit pages you've already accessed.

Additional Information

Cookies gather personal information, such as your user ID, along with the last sign-in date to verify that you are signed into the website.

They disappear upon closing your web browser (session cookies).

The type of cookie

Operational cookies.


Cookies enable us to identify you on each visit to our website and to store your settings and choices.

Additional Information

They remain valid until they expire and persist even after the browser is shut down.

The type of cookie

Biscuits for efficiency


Cookies collect statistical information about site performance and assist in its improvement. They also enable us to conduct website analysis.

Additional Information

Cookies store data that is anonymous and not linked to any identifiable or recognized individual.

You can delete them when you close your browser. Some cookies last indefinitely.

Cookies are either restricted or deleted.

To manage or delete cookies, you must modify your browser's configurations. Provided below are links to assist you with this procedure for several popular browsers.

  • firefox
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Google Chrome
  • safari

Nonetheless, be mindful that some or all functionalities and features of the website may not operate as anticipated if this occurs.

This service does not presently honor do-not-track requests.
8. The Preservation of Your Personal Data .

The Company intends to keep your personal data for as long as required to achieve the processing objectives outlined in this policy, or for extended periods as allowed by law, regulations, policies, and applicable directives.

We’ll provide your details to third-party trading platforms for 12 months. Upon your consent, we’ll extend this data sharing for an additional 12 months.

We frequently assess the Personal Data we possess to verify if it remains necessary.

9. Personal data transfers to a foreign nation or an international entity.

Your personal details might be relocated to different nations (i.e., your data could be sent to a foreign country (i.e., another nation besides your home one) or to global bodies. International Entities or Regions. The Company ensures all necessary measures are in place to safeguard the personal information you provide and guarantees that data users can exercise their rights and access effective legal remedies.

These protections and safeguards are accessible to all those who reside in the EEA (European Economic Area).

  • Transfer to a third-party nation or global entity which the UK Commission has deemed offers sufficient protection for personal data, in line with article 45 (3) of Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council dated 27 April 2016 (the “GDPR”).
  • The transfer is conducted under a legally valid and enforceable accord between governmental entities or agencies under Article 46 (2) (a).
  • The transfer complied with standard data protection clauses sanctioned by the UK government under Article 46 (2) (c) of the GDPR. You can view the Clauses endorsed by the UK government at

The Company can offer details about the protective protocols it uses to secure your personal information when transferred to foreign nations or global entities. Contact us via email at

10. Safeguarding Personal Information

We have implemented sufficient organizational and technical measures to protect personal data. This involves preventing any accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, or alteration of personal data.

We cannot assure or guarantee that the protection of your personal information will be error-free. Additionally, we are not liable for any non-physical, incidental, or consequential damages that may result from the use or disclosure of personal data. This includes, but is not limited to, personal data being exposed due to transmission errors, unauthorized access by a third party, or other factors beyond our control.

Due to legal requirements or other uncontrollable circumstances, we may have to disclose your personal information to third parties, including public authorities. In these cases, we cannot manage the security measures applied to your personal data by those third parties.

Transmitting personal data via the web cannot be entirely secure. The Company cannot guarantee the safety of personal information you send to us online.

11. Links to sites maintained by external parties.

The website includes links to external sites and apps. These are not governed by the company. We hold no responsibility for the collection or handling of personal information by these platforms. This Privacy Policy does not extend to activities conducted on these external sites or apps.

Before using any third-party websites or apps we suggest, please review their privacy policies. Additionally, we recommend that you provide them with any personal information.

12. Revisions to this Guideline

This policy may be revised at any moment. Should we update this policy, we will inform you by posting the new version on our website. Additionally, when we make substantial alterations, we will endeavor to notify you through methods we find suitable and will post an announcement on our site. Any changes, unless specifically stated, will take effect once the revised policy is published.

13. Your entitlements concerning your personal data.

You have the right to ask us to confirm the correctness of the personal information we collect about you, to correct any errors, and to remove any personal data we do not need. You can also limit the types of processing applied to your personal information.

If you live in the United Kingdom, please visit this page: .

You have the right to access the details you supply in relation to your personal information. To exercise these rights, you may send an email to the address provided below.

Access rights

The organization can confirm the correctness of the personal information being processed about you. If confirmed, you can access your personal information.

The firm aims to provide a digital version of the personal information that is currently being handled and may impose a nominal fee for any extra copies. These details will be accessible electronically upon request.

The privilege to access personal data must not infringe upon the rights and liberties of others. If the request adversely impacts the rights and liberties of another individual, the company can deny the request or restrict its ability to fulfill it.

Entitlement to correction

The Company has the right to correct any inaccurate personal data. You have the right to request the correction of any incomplete personal data related to you, considering the purpose of the processing.

Right to Erasure

The following grounds are relevant: (a) Personal data are no longer necessary for the purpose for which they were gathered or processed; (b) You retract consent and there is no legal justification for processing; (c) You oppose at any time, due to a reason specific to your circumstances, to the processing of personal data about yourself based on legitimate interests pursued either by us or by a third party; (e) Personal data is processed unlawfully or (f) Personal data must be deleted to comply with the legal obligation of the company.

This right does not apply if the processing is essential (a) to meet a legal requirement imposed by UK law or member state regulations; or (b) to establish, exert, or defend legal claims.

Limitations on processing.

If you are concerned regarding the accuracy of your personal data, you can ask the company limit the processing of your personal data.

If you ask that personal data be restricted, personal data may only be kept if you give consent or in order to create, exercise or defend legal rights, or to defend the rights of another natural individual, or in the case of a reason that is that are of a significant public interest within the European Union or a member state.

Right to data portability

If the process is carried out by an automated system and is based on consent or a contract that you are involved in the contract, you have the legal right and the right to review your personal data you have given to the company.

You have the right to request the transfer of your personal data directly from the company to another controller, if technically possible. Exercising the right to erasure does not affect your right to data portability. The right to data transfer does not infringe upon the rights or freedoms of others.

Right to challenge

You have the right to challenge any utilization of your personal data that is grounded in the legitimate interests of the organization or a third party at any time. This extends to profiling based solely on these legitimate interests. Should we demonstrate compelling reasons for processing your data, we may not proceed unless you show that such reasons are outweighed by your rights, freedoms, or interests, or if they relate to the assertion, establishment, or defense of legal claims.

Regarding direct marketing, you have the right at any moment to object to the processing of your personal information.

Permission denial privilege

You can withdraw your permission for us handling your personal data at any moment. This will not impact the validity or legality of any processing that was based on your consent before the withdrawal.

You have the right to file a grievance with the regulatory body overseeing you.

You may file a grievance with a regulatory authority established by a member state to protect the fundamental rights of individuals concerning the handling of personal data within the United Kingdom.

The laws of the United Kingdom and its Member States may restrict your rights regarding your personal data, as outlined in this section 13.

We will furnish you with the information you requested, adhering to your rights under clause 13 of this agreement, within one month of receiving your request. If necessary, this period can be extended to a maximum of two months, depending on the complexity of the request and the volume of requests. Within a month of receiving your request, we'll inform you of any extension and provide the reasons.

As long as it does not conflict with the regulations of section 13 of the law, the information you seek under section 13 will be provided at no charge. If the request lacks merit or is excessive, especially if repeatedly made, we may levy a reasonable fee to cover administrative costs for delivering the information or reporting the requested action. We may also choose not to proceed.

If we question the identity of the individual who sent your request, the organization might require additional details.